Friday, June 8, 2007

Jailhouse Rock

(Elvis Presley, 1957)

Today Ron and I were browsing in a mountain home decor shop and the shop's phone rang. I was close enough to the counter to hear the man who answered thank the caller for an update. "Oh," I thought, "it must be an update on an ill friend or family member." Then, in a loud voice, the man announced, "Everybody, I have news. PARIS HILTON IS BACK IN JAIL. Let's have some applause." And everyone cheered and applauded.

What is wrong with this world? There are soldiers (and civilians) dying in Iraq every day. There are unspeakable things happening in Darfur, the Sudan and hundreds of other places in this world. Numerous families like Kelsey Smith's are learning what it's like to lose a loved one in a senseless tragedy. And yet on every news channel the top story is this unimportant story accompanied by the tear stained face of Paris Hilton as she realizes she's actually going to be held accountable for her actions. Poor, poor Paris. My heart doesn't even open up an itty bitty crack for you.

I happened to watch a segment on Anderson Cooper tonight and he pointed out that exactly 35 years ago today perhaps the most iconic picture of the Vietnam war was taken - the one of the young girl running down the road naked (I think because her village had been sprayed with napalm, but I might be wrong). The same photographer that took that picture also took the picture of a sobbing Paris Hilton. Anderson said something like "Both images show raw emotion." HOW DARE HE compare the suffering of that young Cambodian girl with Paris Hilton's suffering. Bad form, Anderson, very bad form.

It is such a sad commentary on the mentality of our country, isn't it? We can't seem to get enough of the car wreck lives of the likes of Lindsay, Paris, Britney, Anna Nicole . . . they're identifiable by their first names like they're everyone's best friend. I'd almost be willing to take a class on The Psychology of Idiot Young Girls Who Seem Hell Bent on Dying an Early and Senseless Death. But, then I'd just be feeding the frenzy, wouldn't I?


Tom and Leah said...

good form, janet. with real lives who has time for people with no talent and no ethics? i'll just keep reading your blog for the news that's fit to print.

morghan said...


morghan said...

"And in case you were wondering, this is what it looks like outside Paris Hilton's home right now. There's at least five news choppers circling and an armada of paparazzi on the street. Because, really, this is the most important thing that has ever happened in the history of time. George Washington could come back from the dead and he'd just end up getting trampled to death by all the news people trying to get to Paris' house."

Anonymous said...

haha, morghan's comment is awesome.
it's so true about george washington though.
he wouldn't stand a chance against all of these crazy paparazzi.
it's like paris hilton is the best thing that has ever happened to our lifetime.
what the fo. seriously.