Thursday, June 7, 2007

A Mighty Wind

(Mitch & Micky, The Main Street Singers, 2003)

Have you ever heard the wind howl? I mean really howl? You cannot begin to imagine what it sounds like outside our cabin. It's blowing the blinds inside the cabin and the windows are completely shut. I imagine it's what Dorothy heard as she made her way back to the farmhouse. I'd go outside right now and try stomping on the cellar door but I'm afraid I'd end up representing the Lollipop Guild.

And . . . it snowed today. June 6. The upper elevations got 18 inches - of SNOW! The mountains were already snowcapped, but you can see the dusting of new snow from where we are. We contemplated stealing our neighbor's supply of firewood but Ron wouldn't let us. He'll be sorry when he finds out his bed's been shoved in the fireplace. With him in it.

I was flipping through channels tonight and came across a special on John Denver. Of course I parked myself in front of the tube and Ron promptly went to bed. Tyler hung with me for a couple of songs and then fell asleep. It's freaky what that music does to me. I think it's been proven that smell and music are two of the highest memory triggers. My eyes started stinging the second I heard "Thank God I'm A Country Boy." The program was part of a PBS pledge drive and I swear if I'd been alone I would have pledged money to the Denver PBS station. Why? Because his music makes me lose my reasoning capacity. And I could have gotten two free CD's of his music. Tyler said it would be cheaper to go buy the cds at the oldies cd place. Wise guy. I asked him to promise to have "Annie's Song" sung at his wedding. He almost spewed his water across the room. Maybe he'll go for "Sunshine on My Shoulders."

On a much sadder note . . . we all were devastated to hear about Kelsey Smith. I was mad, sad, scared . . . As a parent I don't how you even begin to recover from something like that. I suppose a good place to start would be to rely on God's grace and acceptance that I should not lean on my own understanding, and the hope everlasting of His heavenly kingdom that has many, many rooms. What an awesome God He is.


morghan said...

kate and i are signing up for kung fu lessons. that's the only logical teaching i can take out of the horrific tragedy as of right now. and also the only way to work out some of the frustration. i think all news stations, if they were really proactive, would have constant scrolling bars of taekwondo studios and self defense classes phone numbers at the bottom of the screen during every single newscast, since all they ever report are homocides, burglaries and other human tragedies.

Tom and Leah said...

as the daughter of a police officer surely she knew more about defense than anyone else. it's so frustrating that people think they can take life like this. it makes me angry angry angry. praise the lord that he is in control and the easiest thing i know to do is rely on him. thanks janet for the uplifting reminder.

Tom and Leah said...

also, please don't shove ron in the fireplace because you're cold. he happens to be useful around the house, right?

jdmartin said...

Oh, yeah, Ron IS useful in so many ways. This morning we got up and the whole living room was covered in ashes - the wind came down through the chimney and huffed and puffed - it was kind of funny but not really.

Tom and Leah said...

not really funny if you don't have a dustbuster. that'll save a lot of cleanup time. also, just so i don't have to comment on another post, i'm a little, what's the word, in awe maybe, of the fact that you followed "a mighyt wind" with an ace of base song. wow.