Monday, June 18, 2007


(Three Dog Night, 1969)

So here's a rundown of numerical things we saw in Colorado . . .
Three - number of coyotes we saw
324 - number of t-shirt shops in Estes Park
20 - a more realistic number of t-shirt shops in Estes Park
14 - number of bighorn sheep we saw
250 - estimate of how many elk we saw
Nine - number of baby elk we saw
One - number of ADHD baby elk we saw (he kept running in circles and kicking up his heels)
34 - number of new muscles I discovered
a billion - number of idiot tourists we saw approaching the wildlife
Four - number of idiot teenagers we saw hop onto a rock in the middle of a roaring river to get their picture taken, even though there was a sign that said "Swift Water - It Will Kill You"
Two - number of people we saw making out in the park
One - number of Hummers we saw painted to advertise a realtor who encourages you to fire her if you don't like her
Seven - number of people in a family with quads - they were the best behaved three-year old quads I've ever seen (like I have anything to compare it to). And the mom looked like a supermodel. Of course.
85 - number of times we drove through RMNP (at least)
Zero - number of times I fell into the water - a freakin' miracle
Five - number of times I almost wet my pants laughing with Tyler
Twelve - number of times Tyler went to sleep with "Lemony Snicket" playing
Three - number of layers a hornet made in his nest, located on our cabin doorframe, while we were there
Nine - number of fish Ron caught (but a TON more got away)
8,329 - number of times I wished aspens would grow in Kansas


morghan said...


Tom and Leah said...

if you ever crave aspens go to missouri, loch lloyd to be exact. we got married right next to some and i'm sure my parents wouldn't mind. those leaves sure sound nice in the breeze.

at least you saw two people making out, and not one, or three. awkward.

and every time i cross my legs to laugh hard or sneeze i think of you, isn't that sweet?