Saturday, June 23, 2007

Little Shop of Horrors

(Alan Menken, 1982)

One of the things that gives me secret delight is trying to come up with completely bizarre combinations of items when I go shopping at places like Walgreen's or Target. Tonight at Target we bought chocolate, cat litter, a new welcome flag and tiki torch fluid. One of my favorite combos was tampons, lighter fluid, chocolate (seems to be a recurring theme, eh?) and Tylenol PM. Again, it's SO pathetic that it takes SO little to amuse me.

We also visited HyVee tonight, not our regular grocery store but it was close to Target . . . Ron was looking for some random faucet thing (at HyVee? He found it) so I was kind of wandering a previously unexplored area of the store. I looked up at the aisle directory and this is what it said:
Adult Undergarments
Feminine Hygiene
Girl Scout Supplies

Girl Scout Supplies? I did a double take because I thought it said "Girl Scout Cookies" and I was sure as hell going to get some Thin Mints - do you know how good those would taste "out of season"? Then I did a full body double take and was compelled beyond all reasoning to go down that aisle and see what the "supplies" were. I'm not sure what I was expecting - maybe s'mores kits? They had the whole outfit - kicky little beret, socks, the sashes where you sew all the merit badges. They had brownie stuff, too. And something called "Daisy Girls"? But no Thin Mints. Damn.

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