Saturday, June 16, 2007

(They Tried To Make Me Go To) Rehab

(Amy Winehouse, 2007)

Yes, even the Martin family is not immune to the rehab scene. See, I've kind of been in rehab. The second week we were in Colorado, Tyler did an intervention on me (rather rudely, I might add, but then all interventions have a bit of a sting, don't they?). Apparently, I BANG the keys of his computer. Actually, I've been accused of BANGING the keys on my computer, too, making me a habitual BANGER. I argued that he was hearing the click, click, click of my beautifully polished acrylic nails. He insisted that I was BANGING too hard on his darling little Mac. I tried to say that it was just my style, but I said I'd quit if it was that important to him. And I tried. So, so hard I tried. I'd do okay for a little bit, but then I'd slip and end up BANGING again. We argued about it every day. It finally got so heated that I swore I'd never touch his precious computer again, not even if he begged and pleaded me to. That's when rehab came in. After a week of not BANGING, I'm back home. Don't tell anyone, but I'm BANGING the hell out of my computer right now . . . and it feels sooooooo good. Ok, that sounds really bad, but you all know it's just the keys, right?

I'm posting some of my favorite shots from our trip.

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