Friday, May 11, 2007

Things I Really Miss

Ron and I were talking tonight about PeeWee's Playhouse. We LOVED that show. Every Saturday morning, when Kate was little, it was a hallowed hour in our house. There wasn't a thing I didn't love about it, except maybe that bratty Randy. I'd have loved to punch him in that wooden freckled face! BOY! Was he annoying! I loved Miss Yvonne, Cowboy Curtis (later the indestructible Morpheus on The Matrix) , Jambi (Mekaleka Hi Meka Hini Ho), Chairy . . . all really inane things, but boy it was creative. Ron and I disagree about PeeWee's mode of transportation at the end of the show. I say it was a bike, Ron says scooter. Ron's probably right. We lived for the secret word of the day and would scream REAL loud whenever it was came up in conversation over the next 24 hours. It's a wonder Child Services wasn't called. I was really ticked off when PeeWee got caught doing despicable things in despicable places. Creep.

I miss when Kate would make these random statements like, "If boys had babies the babies would have to be really skinny." I would have loved to have been inside her brain to see the thought process that led her to arrive at that conclusion. Pretty smart for a six-year old. I miss when Tyler would say "Make a hole." Ron or I would lay on the couch on our side and draw out knees up to form a little pocket behind our legs. Tyler would hop inside and sit for hours, munch on his blankie and watch Rug Rats or Monsters. Or Twin Peaks. Not really. That was Kate's favorite show. BOB! Child Services really SHOULD have been called.

I miss the four of us all sitting down for dinner and having a meal right out of Martha Stewart Living (ha). Seriously, until Kate graduated from high school, there were not many nights that we didn't have dinner together. Now we're lucky if the three of us make it once or twice a week. I saw on a HyVee commercial that teens who sit down with their families for dinner at least four times a week (maybe it was three) are 25% less likely to get involved with drugs and alcohol. Sorry, Tyler. Prove 'em wrong, bud! JUST SAY NO! FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER.

Maybe it's not so much that I miss these things. I guess I should be glad I still have the faculties to remember them. And that's no small thing. Trust me.


Tom and Leah said...

janet-freaking-martin. i just got on because i was going to email you to tell you we'll be there next saturday. if this happens again we're going to have to move in with eachother and share the same brain! i love reading about your thoughts and life. yahoo!

Unknown said...

haha, those were the days with dinner.
i miss the days of the hardy boys.
staying out till' nine o'clock thinking it was insanely late, then coming home to you and dad on the back patio listening to music.
i guess that's somewhat the same, but now i come home half an hour into the next morning, and dad is sitting out on the screened in porch listening to music drinking wine, and you're more than likely either with him or working on the computer.
oh how times have changed.

Unknown said...

i've caught up on my reading of your blogs and the post about the grandparentals. i must say they are quite funny, and exactly true of them.
very very very very very nice.