Thursday, May 17, 2007

Georgie Girl*

I saw an ad for "Oceans 13" tonight. There's something about George Clooney that makes me want to jump into our Sony flat screen and accost him. And not in an unfriendly way. I told Ron about two months ago that I'd absolutely have to leave him if George ever, you know, gave me a wink. I'm dead serious. I've been completely infatuated with George since his ER days (not so much a fan of "The Facts of Life" George). That gravelly voice, the way his smile peeks out now and again, the way his eyes crinkle when he smiles full on. Pretty darn irresistible. Then there's "O, Brother, Where Art Thou?" Quite possibly one of the funniest movies ever made. It gets a little long, but George is utterly charming as a ne'er do well depression era escaped convict trying to make his way back to his estranged wife and passel of little girls. "Damn, we're in a tight spot." His creative use of the English language is nothing short of brilliant.

His role as Danny Ocean made it official - George IS the sexiest man alive. Apart from his physical beauty I think he's a really good guy. I saw him on "Charlie Rose" one night and was really impressed with his world view and political convictions. I know it's considered very hip to be socially aware these days and to become passionate about the crises in the world, especially if you're in the entertainment industry. But, hey, those guys have got piles and piles of money, and if they want to do good things with it then more power to them. What does it say about our country, though, that in many cases the only way people become aware of the catastrophic conditions that exist is from the press the celebrities generate? Makes a lot of people in high places look incompetent. But that's not really news, now, is it?

Now, here's the reality check. There's absolutely no way, no how George Clooney is ever, you know, going to give me a wink. So I feel pretty safe in making that alarming statement at the beginning of this posting. But, if you get a postcard from me from the Lake Como district in Italy (that's where George's villa is), you better check on Ron to make sure he hasn't sunk into a deep depression over losing me. Oh wait. That's right. He'll be mending his broken heart with Catherine Zeta Jones. Or Diana Krall. Or Meg Ryan (circa 1988).

Wink. Wink.

*Declaration: Since I bragged about having so many song lyrics in my head, from now on all of my posting titles will also be song titles, along with artist and date, just so you know I'm not making it up. Today's song: from 1967, The Seekers (also the title of a movie of the same name starring Lynn Redgrave).


Tom and Leah said...

what with the world wide web how can we verify that you "know" these songs and not just looking them up on the internet?

jdmartin said...

A. Because I'm a trustworthy person
B. I'll sing it for you on Saturday
C. Ok, busted a little bit. Totally know the song, but had to look up what year and who sang it.