Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Taking Action

Ever since "The War" documentary ended on PBS last week I've been haunted by my perception that we (and by "we" I mean "I" - hee hee, Leah) aren't doing enough to support the troops in Iraq (and all over the world). Some time ago I read an article either in "Reader's Digest" or "Guideposts" about adopting a soldier. So I googled "letters to soldiers" and landed on http://www.soldiersangels.org/. It was started by a mom of a soldier who was inspired by her son once he finished his tour of duty. He was telling his mom how much he appreciated all the letters and care packages she sent. But he was also amazed by the number of soldiers who rarely got any mail at all. So, Soldier Angels was born. I signed up.

My soldier's name is James and he's in the 82nd Airborne Division. Those two things alone make my heart beat fast . . . Both my dad and Tyler are named "James" and my uncle served in the 82nd during WWII! How cool is that? By being James' angel, I've committed to sending him one card or letter a week and at least one care package per month.

So here's the challenge . . . adopt a soldier. Maybe a group at work could adopt one and take turns writing letters and donating stuff for care packages. The package I sent cost $12.90 and letters only require regular postage. Now would be a great time to adopt a soldier since the holidays are right around the corner.

On a completely unrelated note . . . in the last month or so I've seen a number of trucks sporting a new bumper ornament. It is, without question, all the evidence I need to verify that our society has sunk to a new low. Without going into too much graphic detail, it involves a certain part of a male's anatomy, swinging to and fro. I guess it's now not enough to have "HEMI" emblazoned somewhere on the vehicle to prove that you're a man's man. Tyler was in the car the last time we spotted a pair and he and Ron had a great time saying lewd things that they knew I'd object to. Ron says he wants to get a pair of steel ones for the Prius and hang them so low that they throw sparks. I asked him if he'd be donating his. That shut him up.

I think women all over America should steal those fake boobs they give you at mammograms to school you in finding lumps (ugh) and super glue them onto their headlights. Yeah!


morghan said...

thas what i'm talkin 'bout

Unknown said...

i'm liking the new layout! very nice.
i'm studying right now, not really right now, but i'm in the process of typing up a study guide. so much fun.
love you.