Wednesday, July 14, 2010


No, it's not an unfinished derogatory term. It means "enough" in Italian. And I'm talking about the fact that Tori Spelling has deemed it good parenting to get her three-year old a Twitter account. What is this world coming to? I've never really understood what the point of Twitter is. It seems a bit ego-centric to think that the world (or at least those who follow you) needs to know your innermost thoughts. Or your most mundane. But a toddler tweeting? Really? It seems that most celebrities these days go out of their way to shield their kids from the public's prying eyes. Maybe Ms Spelling is feeling a little left out in the cold, not getting enough press and thinks perhaps by exploiting her child she might drum up some copy. I suppose if I followed her on Twitter I might have some more insight into this puzzling development.

Now, I know some could argue that blogging could be considered ego-centric. And maybe it is. After all - in my case - it's just what I find amusing, or thought-provoking or worthy of my considered opinion. I would LOVE it if a thousand people read my ramblings every time I create a post. But I'm realistic enough to know that it might be two or three people who accidentally happen upon my musings and I guess I'll have to live with that. I guess if I tweeted about a new post I might get a larger following. But probably not. My social network is woefully small, especially given the fact that Tori's little darling had 10,000 followers within six hours. Or was it just 1,000? Who cares? Still way more than me.

Tweet, tweet.

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