Thursday, August 30, 2007

Phone Calls That Make Your Hair Gray

The other night, Tyler called me about 10:30. That in itself was cause for a tiny little bit of alarm. He usually doesn't call that late, but he knows I'm a complete night owl so the initial ring didn't make my heart race.

"I'm not saying this happened," he began. "But what would I do if my car was stolen?"

"Tyler, did your car get stolen?" I asked.

"Well, no. I just can't find it."

I just had to laugh. But I kept it to myself for a few minutes longer. "What do you mean, you can't find it?"

"Well, I thought I parked it down here but I can't find it. What should I do?"

"Keep talking to me until you do find it."

He finally found his car, safely parked and unscathed. Then I let myself laugh.

I was telling my mom this story tonight and also added that when Tyler turns 19, (which happens on Saturday) that his car insurance will go down twenty percent. "Well, for Pete's sake don't tell your insurance people that he can't find his car," she said.

That's why I'm funny.

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