Sunday, August 19, 2007

Head Over Heels

I'm not sure why I feel compelled to write about all the stupid stuff I do. Maybe it's a way to make me into a lovable character, like Stan Laurel or Jerry Lewis. Or maybe it's to make me appear completely ordinary, which, of course, I am not. In all likelihood, it's because I do stupid stuff every day and I figure it's better for you all to laugh with me, not at me.

I know you're all dying to know the latest stupid thing I've done. Well, let me paint you a picture. I was up in my office, sitting in my black office chair, watching "Day Break" on innertube (or whatever ABC calls it). I leaned back to stretch and . . . now, go into slowmo . . . I feel the chair shifting a little too far back and all of the sudden I realize I'm going . . . going . . . gone. Head over heels and there is no love anywhere in sight. I landed flat on my back, my head missing the overstuffed chair behind me by mere inches. My head got a pretty good thumping, so I just laid there for a minute, waiting for the "dooonnnnnnngggggg" sound to subside. I really don't know how I extricated myself from that unusual position, but after I did, I just laid there some more. I'm not sure why. Maybe to berate myself about how stupid I was not to buy that Life Alert thing that could summon help once I'd fallen and couldn't get up. Dang it.

I eventually did get up, and I had a whopper of a headache the rest of the day. The next day, boy was I sore. In my lower stomach and neck. I guess from tensing up as I was going over. Of course, no one was there to see it, so I could be making all of this up. But I'm not. I'm not THAT stupid.


Unknown said...

so you're watching day break?
it's a good show.
i've only seen like two episodes of it.
i have to go to class now.

morghan said...

oh my. i heard about this from kate, but still laughed out loud from the "ddddooooonnnnnngggg" word. have ronald give you a nice backrub tonight. or take a nice, hour-long bath.