Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Little Lies

(Fleetwood Mac, 1987)

If I'm lyin', I'm dyin'. Occasionally (really, only occasionally) I get a won't-be-denied jones for Krispy Kreme chocolate iced cream filled donuts. Tonight was such a night. So, I hopped in the roadster and sped on up the street to the local KK joint. Not another car in line, not another car in the lot, but I'm still told "I weel be right weeth you." So, I'm perusing the menu and I just had to laugh. In keeping with the ever increasing health agenda we Americans like to talk about (but, seriously, is anyone really doing anything constructive about it?) . . . Krispy Kreme has a new multi-grain cake donut. Cross my heart, hope to die of a sugar induced coma. But wait. There's more. In what I would almost deem a form of cholesterol heresy, they also have a whole wheat glazed donut. I'm sure both Mr. Krispy and Mr. Kreme are doing 360's in their graves, or urns or whatever.

Come on. If you're going to Krispy Kreme, you're not really concerned about if it's whole grain or multigrain or unigrain. You want the sugar high and you want it NOW. And thanks, but no thanks - I don't need the guilt trip. When I want to take a ride on the food sin wagon I don't want some health donut trying to climb on board. Noooooo. I want my siiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

It's like Kentucky Fried Chicken becoming KFC. Like taking "Fried" out of the name suddenly makes it healthy for you. Or all those sickly sweet cereals that have replaced "Sugar" with "Honey." These clever ad people (sorry, Morghan) think they can pull one over on us by changing the packaging and doctoring a name. To be honest, I think it could say "Full of harmful chemicals that will make your brain rot and your butt as big as Wyoming" and we'd still buy it.

So Krispy Kreme can tell me little lies that make me think that if I eat a whole grain glazed donut I can whoop it up on the sin wagon AND be good to my heart. What's fun about that?


morghan said...

i've been immortalized!

"It sounded good, but the real reason behind the shift to KFC had nothing to do with healthy food or finicky consumers: it was about money — money that Kentucky Fried Chicken would have had to pay to continue using their original name. In 1990, the Commonwealth of Kentucky, mired in debt, took the unusual step of trademarking their name. Henceforth, anyone using the word "Kentucky" for business reasons — inside or outside of the state — would have to obtain permission and pay licensing fees to the Commonwealth of Kentucky. It was an unusual and brilliant scheme to alleviate government debt, but it was also one that alienated one of the most famous companies ever associated with Kentucky. The venerable Kentucky Fried Chicken chain, a mainstay of American culture since its first franchise opened in Salt Lake City in 1952, refused as a matter of principle to pay royalties on a name they had been using for four decades. After a year of fruitless negotiations with the Kentucky state government, Kentucky Fried Chicken — unwilling to submit to "such a terrible injustice" — threw in the towel and changed their name instead, timing the announcement to coincide with the introduction of new packaging and products to obscure the real reasons behind the altering of their corporate name."

I thought the name change had to do with them "updating" their image and following suit with a "health conscious" society as well, and I'm sure it did to some extent.

I think it's a great re-branding effort, as gross as it really is in reality. we're hypocrites and we don't like to be called out on it. the name change gets the impulsive people in the door for that split second in their mind. it takes the "fried" stigmatization away for that one minute your impulsiveness is raging.

jdmartin said...

Very interesting, although it weakens my tirade a bit!

Tom and Leah said...

nothing could weaken this statement: it could say "Full of harmful chemicals that will make your brain rot and your butt as big as Wyoming" and we'd still buy it.
the truth is the truth. now let's eat.

Tom and Leah said...

speakin' of jonesin', i need a new post!