Saturday, August 23, 2008

How Road Rage Begins

This morning, Ron and I were running a few errands . . . the bank, post office, HyVee. At the post office, Ron stopped to let a car turn left in front of us since there were a few cars ahead of us at the stop light. We waited a couple of seconds and then Ron motioned for the car to go ahead and turn. In response, the driver angrily motioned for us to go, which caused me to throw my hands up in the air as if to say, "What? We're being nice!" When we drove by the car, the driver - an old man, with a wrinkled face and cigar clenched in his teeth - said, quite loudly, "You idiot!"

It took Ron and me the whole ride home to calm down. I usually don't get mad at drivers, but this really ticked me off. We were trying to be courteous and for what?

This is why I don't have a gun. And, if I did, why I would never put it in the car with me.

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