Thursday, December 13, 2007


This morning I felt like I was driving through Narnia. Or on my way to the Ice Palace in "Dr. Zhivago." It was really stunning.

Of course I say it was stunning because - miracle of miracles - we didn't lose power like thousands of others in nearby towns. I was so convinced that we would be shivering in front of the fire that I told everyone that we'd be shivering by the fire. Evidently that was a good strategy because not once in the last few days have we been shivering by the fire. So, that's my new M.O. I'm going to be a Negative Nellie. Mr. Glass Always Half Empty. Doomsday Dora. Anyone who utters anything that remotely smacks of optimism will be met with a hearty scowl and gruff "Bah, humbug!"

So there.

1 comment:

morghan said...

debbie downer. wahhh wahhhhhhhhh