Monday, December 3, 2007

The Brain of My Husband

I've known for quite some time that my husband possesses a brain unique only to him. I don't think he knows what it's like to think INSIDE the box. I gave up trying to figure out how he processes things a long time ago. Here's why. Tonight we were watching one of the few shows that he'll actually sit down to watch - "Life" on NBC. It has one of my favorite actors, Damian Lewis, and another of my favorites, Adam Arkin. Anyway, Lewis' character spent 12 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit and, as a result, had a lot of time to think about things. A lot of time. Therefore, he, like Ron, processes things a bit oddly. He (Lewis' character) was having a discussion about physics with another character on the show. Something about how everything's always in motion so in reality it really isn't there, it's just more there than not. Whatever. All of the sudden, Ron Martin, exclaims, "I've had a revelation. A pure and powerful revelation." I immediately told him to be quiet and save it until a commercial. Which was a risk, I know, since neither one of us seems to be able to remember anything these days.

Finally! A commercial. So I asked Ron what the revelation was, thinking it was some sort of spiritual awakening or some kind of psychic communication as to the whereabouts of Jimmy Hoffa. But no. It was all about the cable box. We recently chucked the gargantuan armoire that held our tv, so now all of the stereo components are underneath the tv on the floor. His big revelation? The cable box has no moving parts, so we can put the dvd player on top of the tuner and cd player and stand the cable box on its side, thereby making it much more presentable to the human eye. ARE YOU SERIOUS? Of course he is. Two minutes on the floor and he's grinning like he just discovered that the city of Merriam is allowing burning today. No kidding. His day is perfect if he can play with fire. Am I a blessed woman or what?

Up next: A kinda funny, maybe not so funny story about Tyler.

1 comment:

morghan said...

cool ice storm pictures. i'm kicking myself for not making time to get some taken myself...