Thursday, November 8, 2007

Top Ten Reasons Why I'm glad I'm Not A Dog

10. I don't have to eat my food in a bowl on the floor.
9. My entertainment consists of more than chewing on a red kong and a bone (but just barely).
8. I don't have "sit" to have Ron pay attention to me.
7. I don't have to wear flea collars.
6. I get a bath more than three times a year.
5. I don't shed (well, not as bad).
4. I don't have to wear "period panties." Oh, wait . . .
3. I don't feel the overwhelming need to bark at inanimate objects.
2. I don't have to sniff the butts of new acquaintances.
1. It doesn't take me ten minutes to find a suitable place to do my business.

1 comment:

Tom and Leah said...

my #1 reason why i'm glad i'm not a dog: the advantage of toilet paper.