Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Almost There!

Finally. The bathroom is 90% complete (only thing left to do is spend some more money on other cool things/accessories). I was seriously beginning to entertain the thought of installing a Johnny On the Spot in our backyard, but wisely realized that if we did that we'd only be one step away from becoming - I'm seriously so tired I can't even make anything up. A county fair, maybe? An outdoor concert? Better quit while I'm ahead.

We chose two complementary colors: Ovation and Turkish brown; walls in Ovation, trim in the TB. Once Ron got the wall color done I was a little aghast. It looked like the room had experienced a nuclear bomb and the radiation was pulsing out all over the place. So, I did a little faux treatment with glaze, the TB color and those plastic grocery sacks. I have to admit, it looks pretty dang good. Kind of like a worn saddle. You can see me demonstrating my technique on HGTV's "Projects Designed to Threaten Even the Best Marriages." In the process I burned my arm on one of the wall sconces. Twice. Cussed twice, too. I'd taken off the shades for better access and that stupid little tiny bulb burned the heck out of my forearm. I told Ron I can't imagine what it feels like to have a serious burn injury. Dang.

Despite several logistical problems and the horrifically long time it took us to get it done, it was fun. Earlier this evening I commented to Ron that it was probably a good thing we didn't own a home for the first six years of our marriage because I don't think the union could have survived remodeling projects. But, after 26 years, we kind of know each other's strengths and weaknesses (and which buttons to push if we really want to get it started). I'll have pictures soon. We plan to have a private ribbon cutting ceremony next weekend and then it will be open to the public. Admission will be $2 per person, free to kids who are potty training. Included in the admission price is a guided tour and ten minutes of private time. Magazines will be provided at no additional charge. Hope to see you soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i'm really excited to see the final product!!
i'm sure it looks amazing.
it took for freakin' ever though!
what the heck.
it was all worth it i'm sure.
i love you.