Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Little Bits

Oh, I'm such a sluggard for not posting more. I have nary an excuse as to my slothfulness. I'd love to say I've been so busy I haven't the time, but 'twould be a lie. Let's forget the past, shall we, and move on to the future . . .

I have to brag on Ron - for many things. First of all, since last fall he's dropped almost 35 pounds, thanks to a change in his eating habits and a healthy commitment to working out. I must say, he looks fabulous! He hasn't looked this good since college and I find myself stealing looks at his muscles - hee hee!

Second, the Habitat for Humanity playhouse that his company (Kiewit Power Engineers) sponsored - which he had a large part in designing and decorating - won the Judges' First Place award and sold for $1,000!

Finally, our yard is SO beautiful! He's been spending a lot (and I mean A LOT) of time outdoors, mowing, trimming, planting, redistributing and puttering and it's definitely showing. He also installed three rather large rain barrels and derives a great deal of satisfaction in being to recycle the water.

In other matters . . . have I ever posted about how much I ADORE dogwood trees? Specifically, pink dogwoods? We'll, I'm positively gaga about them. So much so that IF I ever got another tattoo, it would be of dogwood blooms. We've purchased multiple dogwoods in the past and they've all died, which broke my heart. So, when we saw them on sale (almost 1/2 off) at Family Tree this year, I was hesitant. But, Ron got the skinny on how to make them survive and hopefully the one we bought last week will live a long and healthy (and beautiful) life.

One last little bit . . . Tyler told me the other day he defriended Ashton Kutcher on Twitter, which I thought was hysterical. Apparently, Mr. Kutcher Twitters so much that his posts dominate the status page and no one else's Twitters are able to be viewed. Obviously, this young man needs to get a life . . . or a job.


Tom and Leah said...

i hope your dogwood survives too. the former owners of our house planted a white and a pink in our yard and they are so beautiful. i'm sad they are just green now. when can i see your yard? and you?

rachel porter said...

I bet your place looks incredibly beautiful right now. Enjoy the summer evenings on the I long for a day when I get have a porch :) Hope all is well.

Tom and Leah said...

janet,what is up? you are definitely a sluggard! post more!