Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Reality Bites

I'm five days away from my fiftieth birthday. And yes, I'm kind of freaked out about it. That's half a century! A hundred years ago 50 was probably pushing the life expectancy figures. Twenty years ago fifty seemed old. Together Ron and I have over a hundred years of life experience (so why aren't we any better at it?).

Tonight when we went to Hy-Vee for a few items I was watching the screen where all the purchases are listed. The total was seventeen bucks. Then I looked again. Now it was sixteen something. I thought that was odd since we hadn't brought in any of our canvas bags (we get five cents back for every bag we bring in). Then I saw the last item on the list: Senior Citizen discount . . . WHAT? I hadn't even whipped out my AARP card. I must LOOK old! Sigh.

I'm sure I'll enter into my sixth decade (that's right, isn't it? I tried to do the math) with grace and dignity. Seriously, I've been graceless and undignified for far too long. Time to turn over a new leaf and fly right. Ok, I'm STOKED!


rachel porter said...

I love that you're 50 :) My mom just turned 50 this week too...two of my fav's at 50. if I could only be mistaken for my actual age on any given day...that would be nice

rachel porter said...

I love that you're 50 :) My mom just turned 50 this week too...two of my fav's at 50. if I could only be mistaken for my actual age on any given day...that would be nice