Monday, June 16, 2008

Life in Reverse

Every once in awhile, I see something that warrants a second look. Most of the time, this happens while I'm watching TV. For instance, tonight Ron and I were watching "Living With Ed," a show about Ed Begley, Jr. and his over-the-top green life. I didn't quite catch his daughter's name, so I hit rewind to find out what it was (Hayden). To be quite honest, I'm not sure how I managed to live 48 years without DVR or the ability to rewind live TV. It's rare when we watch a WHOLE TV program, commercials included. And I'm getting quite good at hitting that play button at just the right second. Actually, I rule at that task

Tonight, Ron and I encountered another "rewind" moment while driving around the block (literally: he got a rental car for his trip to Iowa and I made him take me for a spin). We were approaching the stop sign at the intersection of Craig and 61st Street and we passed a signpost with two yellow signs on it. We go through that intersection probably fifteen times a week (maybe more) and tonight was the first time I saw the two signs clearly. As we passed it and came to a stop, I said to Ron, "Did you see that sign back there?" We sat there at the stop sign for probably 15 seconds and then he put the car in reverse and backed up. And there it was.

The top one was the one warning us of a school crossing. And the one below it had a large stag (as in a male deer) raised up on its hind legs, its front legs pawing the air.

We drove the half block home with our eyes peeled for prancing deer, deer that would suddenly bolt across the street, causing us to swerve recklessly and perhaps take out a headlight or two. I wonder: does your insurance go up if you have a prancing deer warning sign in your neighborhood? Because that would REALLY tick me off.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Gotta watch out for dem deers.
I hear they are everywhere in merriam!! Hahaha